What To Look For When Selecting A Dining Table & Chairs

What To Look For When Selecting A Dining Table & Chairs

When selecting dining tables and chairs, it’s important to consider how they’ll speak to each other without being a set. Shea’s sharing a few more tips on what to look for when selecting a dining table and chairs, and how we styled our newest Vincent Dining Chairs and Dillon Dining Table from McGee & Co.

MORE Studio McGee:
Website: https://bit.ly/StudioMcGeeSite
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  1. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.. the leather with metal and the color of the fabric are more than wonderful.. you are outdoing yourself

  2. This is valuable information that I’m processing! I have an older wood clawfoot dining table that is beautiful, but I need chairs for it that’ll compliment and not make my kitchen look dated..

  3. OMG, I am learning so much with you sharing your tips of decor that will help make my home much better!! Thanks!!

  4. ✝️🤍💐💐💐🧄🐑🌼🤍🔯😇🎁🎁🎁🧃🎂🎀🌲🌹🌎🌏🌍❤️🤍💙🦅🇺🇸🍀✝️🤍💐🎇🎊🎉⚡🌃Holy Revelation 19:16 The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords Jesus and Kathryn Miller say Thankyou for sharing and caring and✝️🤍💐💐💐🎇🎊🎉⚡🌃 Happy New Years to you and Family and Friends ✝️🤍💐💐💐✝️🤍💐💐💐✝️❤️🤍💙🦅🇺🇸🍀🍀🍀

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