In this video I share tips for keeping your kitchen organized and functional. Get a 7-day free trial and 25% off Blinkist Annual Premium by using my promolink

I get so many questions about the things in my apartment and what I like and wear so I’ve collected links for many of them below.

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Music: Rivers of my mind, Will Harrison,
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#organization #withme #kitchen


  1. Complains about a ”small” kitchen, but it’s bigger than my living room and is so high we can’t even see the ceiling. Also proceeds to put the toaster back on the highest shelf… for that one time in a month when you don’t pay someone to toast your bread. Useless video.

  2. I thought you had mentioned that you do not have the color red in your home. You painted the red straps on your ladder. Have you changed your mind about the color red? Best wishes!

  3. Very structured and logical! What is the function of using hidden drawers over just getting multiple drawers? Or is it purely aesthetically?

  4. What kind of animal doesn’t line things up in their cabinets?! Just teasing. 🙂 Thanks for sharing! Lovely kitchen.

  5. Love the idea of keeping all the pet items contained in one drawer as opposed to being placed in an open area like the pantry or cabinet.

  6. I just wanna know where you got those fantabulous drawers with hidden pullouts!!!??? That’s a game-changing problem solver. Please mention a company or store name! Thanks 😊

  7. After watching this, I’ve decided to swap kitty food and kiyc n aids (like blender and slow cooker). Kitty food is in a cupboard where I need to bend… but I use it multiple times a day, whereas the kitchen aids are in drawer at waist height and I rarely use them.

  8. I stopped watching after you show your sponsorship coz .you say a lot about it. I clicked😊 to watch as what the title says.

  9. question, are you using a special paint for backsplash? parts of the wall arent covered with tiles it seems

  10. Curious about your thoughts on a backsplash, Benita. Do you think you’ll install one? I like a simple tile, but a semi- or high-gloss paint is nice as well.

  11. I;m a single person who hates cooking but I do every night because im physically on the go all day I get hungry .Tell me what you eat i need to know how you do it

  12. If I had that much built in storage, my kitchen would be so organized! I have small 3 drawers and a broken cupboard.😂

  13. Her kitchen is twice the size of mine. What I have left after decluttering would fit there with plenty of room to spare. Lol 😂 also my tiny kitchen seemed to look bigger when I decluttered the magnets from the fridge. 👍

  14. Hi, Benita. Thank you for sharing your kitchen-organization strategy. Please tell me more about the carbonator. I live in the US and would love to have an alternative to Soda Stream. Thank you.

  15. I agree with the commentaries that agree with tall cabinets, but I don’t agree with putting larger, heavier items in them.

  16. think Ive watched a total of 10 videos today regarding organizing kitchen without it being too overwhelming. By far yours is what I like the most its because there wasnt alot of unnecessary things on the counter but also kept it aesthetically pleasing. Thanks for sharing

  17. My advice: get ridd of these too deep + too high top cabinets. Every kitchen in the Western world wants them. But they make people miserabele.
    These traditional cabines require dangerous steps and painfull reaches all day. And they are clutter magnets because they are too deep.

  18. Great video I wish I was more organised & minimal like you ❤ from a very windy & rainy Glasgow. Pauline x

  19. Love the simplicity of it all😍 The spicejars i.e, so neat, Whyred are the from? Souldrottningen be perfekt for my daughter´s kitchen

  20. I appreciated the disclaimer, at the beginning, that you do not cook and do not enjoy cooking, because I immediately knew that this video probably wasn’t for me – an avid amateur chef. So even though I did not watch the video you’re getting a “like” and a comment for your honesty and for not wasting my time.

  21. I just had my new kitchen installed and big drawers underneath are a game changer! You are so minimalist and everything so organized. I love to bake so have way too many items dedicated to that pass time. I am stealing your spice container idea. Right now my different bottles sit willy nilly in a small Amazon cardboard box inside a drawer between my cooktop and oven. It’s unsightly. 😂

  22. As a single guy, I never thought about putting my fancy toaster & kettle, which I rarely use, away into one of the cabinets to make space in my tiny kitchen. So obvious!🤦🏾‍♂️

  23. Ella es soltera minimalista y tiene la misma despensa que yo con marido y dos hijos en España , que me considero todo lo contrario a minimalista 😂 . Las cosas culturales son curiosas

  24. I was amazed to see your label maker… I got one many years ago and it’s one of the most useful tools! I discovered that labeling storage containers not only helps me to effortlessly find things, but serves as a reminder of where to put things back without a thought. Its incredibly quick to make a label, similar to the time it would take to make a post-it note, and so much neater. Also useful on file folders, and to put dates on the bindings of completed journals.

  25. What are the drawer dividers at 8:06 called? All of our bottom shelves in our kitchen are those type, and it’s so hard to store anything in them. Do you have suggestions for how to maximize the space in those type. I feel like everything is gonna fall out the sides, but the bottom drawer is connected to the top, so I can’t put a box to use the full height or else I can’t get the items out of the bottom.

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