is it CHEAPER to BUILD your own FURNITURE (diy style) or to BUY from a STORE #woodworking
In this video, I’m asking a question… is it cheaper to DIY your own furniture or to buy from a store?
I’m going to break down how much this table cost me to build and how much a similar table and size was going to cost from a furniture store.
#furniture #woodworking #diy
Dovetail Template ⬇️
This is really cool.
Everyone is talking about the price of the equipment used. My shop is full of woodworking tools. I have everything he used. I’ve been using these for around 4 years, and they have more than paid for themselves by, not only things built for my house, but pieces I’ve sold. And, full disclosure, I have maybe $2000 in tools. You don’t need high priced, top of the line tools to build beautiful furniture.
nissan titan. v8 and $500 a month
Maga I guess ….
At least you didn’t buy the "made in China/Vietnam/India/Pakistan" furniture at the big box store. Thank you.
How would i diy it? I would need 30K worth of equipment first and 20 years of skill
Nice, very nice. I am going to build a bench with the same kind of dovetail joinery.
In response to the videos question. It all comes down to time, complexity, and skill. If you’re just getting something from Amazon, it’s a piece of mass produced shit, no matter how high the material quality is. Walmart, and most furniture stores are the same way. But, if you have the skills to hand craft a piece of furniture, and the time and dedication to do it at cost. It’s far less expensive. But the tool sets for those are not what you think. You’ll want a chainsaw, a grinder, hammer, and chisels. And some paint brushes for stain. That’s for wood working.
For stone you’ll need a few trowels, a float, 2-3 buckets, hammer and chisel, and a mortar board of some kind.
Metal working is where shit gets expensive.
Does size matter😂😂😂
How much was the equipment you used? Are there cost-effective alternatives?
Not bad on the price of wood. However, your equipment is not exactly budget friendly and goes beyond what your typical do it yourselfer has. That planer looks pricey.
A car payment over $1000 a month? Heck, I’m cringing at the idea of some of the $600 to $700 per month payments for new vehicles that are under $56,000.
The cost to buy a car is almost a second mortgage payment per month. Sure, it’s only for 60 months, but that is going to be a long 60 months, I can tell ya.
YT has fallen so far
No working class dude has a Benz what BS are you on!? 🤣
May not always be cheaper but you’ll always get exactly what you want.
Why are you having to push the wood through your planer? Are your feed rollers toast?
You sure have a nice shop. I’d take that before the new truck.
Would this be an easy enough project for a beginner?
This dude is shopping for a 5k table.. Tables aren’t 5k at the margin.
I’ve seen these tables all over the internet for $500-$1000. I’ve NEVER seen one for “$5k”
Ya did good.
Nice work. I will try to build one and add some rusted bolts for the show and also to take apart in case of moving and maybe I will add USB ports. I know that will destroy the rusted look but I will have the USB ports hidden behind a small access panel made from the same wood. P.S. Your wife must love RH stores. I only visit RH stores for inspiration.
Yall complaining about the tools. You could do this with a chisel, few clamps, a planer and a handsaw. He has the tools bc its his JOB
Next step, building a new truck for 110 bucks.
Many DIY videos these days are not for DIY or to help at all. Some, such as this one, are about showing off and getting likes. This video gives me narcissistic vibes.
I made it by myself. I used woodprix woodworking plans for that.
That is brilliant, I will definitely have to have a go trying to make this, but shorter. Thank for sharing.
Almost no one has that kind of woodworking equipment. Or tge space for it.
I have a question: could the two end legs of the table be made by making a sturdy box (like a fake beam) rather than sandwiching, glueing, cutting and planing all that lumber together?
EVerYtHinG is iNfLaTiOn
Excellent work. I also love Wood, particularly that aged timber, and I’m so impressed with your style.
If size matters why didn’t you use 2x10s?
I have to build instead of buy. What my wife wants, i cannot afford, what I can afford, she doesn’t want.
No, it isn’t cheaper. If you don’t have the tools, good luck.
all you need is 50K worth of power tools
burn and brush, near same and more natural color (without stain). and better finish.
Decided to build one instead of buying that Ikea nightstand after watching your video. Now have 9 fingers and an Ikea nightstand.
How did you make the template?
Love it!
Bro that’s amazing and seemed like something anyone can tackle with few tools. I appreciate you for the idea and the inspiration. Don’t listen to all the negative Nancy’s. I’m thankful you shared. Keep.up the great work.
wow, nice work!!
Who cares. We make things cause we like making things and they are better than anything you can buy
dude that is nice I’d argue its better than the original. great work definitely a new sub
buying local wood and tools vs buying china made furniture?…
It’s better to make your own furniture…but i can make that with tools worth under 5k. U don’t need some expensive tools to make good furniture.. Japanese furniture sre expensive most made usind hand tools… copying same.😊
Most don’t have a full functioning wood shop
Someone would be dumb enough to pay 5k for that table ?????
Buying mass-produced furniture will usually be cheaper (edit: if you factor in the cost of time) but it’s not going to be exactly what you want.
Cheaper to build your own or find used furniture to fix. Furniture stores overprice furniture other people made and didnt see the money. Yes, furniture in stores was either stolen or from empty homes. Also, vehicle parts can be replaced a bit at a time, saving you money in the long run.
So beautiful! The wife is lucky to have ya!
BS. $110 for that lumber? AI is real on this one
I’m just here to see comments about all the tools he has…