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www.justicebuys.com 😎
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I want all of it
Guarantee you that somewhere a man is having sex with that cup.
The Magnum box in the trash had me dead!!☠️
Haha! What about the photo on the freezer door!! Haha
Twizz cup is great if you want to stop people taking your cup
Anybody else just gonna ignore what was in bros trashcan lmao
I have the beer thing, it’s worthless
Not the magnums in the trash 😂
This is a cup that turns into an asshole
that sticker on the freezer
Where can I get the cup 👀
This is an Add should have been the first thing stated
That spoon lowkey looked like a shoe
This is ADD on video
Si le pones una tapa que saca en aire a una bebida gaseosa vas a quitarle el gas, no tiene sentido. Con que sea una tapa hermética es suficiente. Si succiona el aire tmb extrae el gas. No tiene sentido😊
Bro was getting drunk in a vid 💀
Who doesn’t like when their meat is trapped underwater? …LMFAO 😂🤣😆
Don’t need any of this shit. Learn how to be a man
Beer sticks have a flared base, which is important
“Joe Biden”
i have the ice thing and I constantly have to bang it to get the ice to fall lol
Not the magnums lol
All products are linked on http://www.justicebuys.com 🙌🏻😎 Thank you SO MUCH for 300k subs ❤️
Those are really cool and super useful! Thank you!
This is the most unhinged, but seemingly wholesome short I’ve ever seen.
Why was there a TV remote in the fridge at the end? Lol
if you don’t have an air fryer at this day and age, I don’t know who you are. I’m broke AF and you can still get one for under 20 bucks come on into the new millennium
Is it just me or do you think that product 13 looks like potatos
The world is fucked
My dude keeps a remote in the fridge while preparing a whole ass pot of cereal. I respect it.
1/3 of these are actually cool
So we just gonna skip over the used box of magnum condom wrappers in the trash? Oh ok
Magnums after frying a banana 😂
Twizz cup 🌚
Great ideas but so much plastic.
Why he frying a banana
This is too much consumerism bro
This is a magnum condom box that my friend threw in the trash after he pushed my 💩 in
at least two of those are sex toys
Who’s banging your girl?
That cup’s sales skyrocketed I’m sure
Why does the cup look like a bumhole when tightened
Here to see how many Magnum comments🔎
Did that food label say "Joe Biden" ?
Why would tou waste oil like that
You right. Magnums ARE trash. Bruh
Anyone else notice the remote in the fridge 😂
we are so 12 year olds… LOL
Milk is not the drink I would put a faucet to.